The bar is

(Hopefully temporarily)




I just don’t have the money or energy to go to different bars/restaurants every week. At least not right now. I’ve got to start saving up for moving and hopefully get a car. But once everything is settled? Well, we’ll see.

First Impression Review: Longshot Lounge

Longshot Restaurant & Lounge

Saturday night. I have no idea why people have warned me away from this place. But this is a first impression so we’ll see.

First off A+++++ for the bathroom. It was so spotless. All night too. The other bathroom was ok. No paper towels, LOL, but clean.

The place was clean. It’s big in there. I met up with a friend and waited for karaoke. The sound was good for the Karaoke and the KJ was really nice. Pretty good song selection.

I also watched the poker game a little and part of a dart competition. Everyone was super friendly and looked like they were having a great time. I had a great time. Ran into a friend from another bar I hadn’t seen in a long time, so that was cool too. Resisted temptation and only bought a single $1.00 scratch ticket from the lotto machine!!

The drink specials were awesome and Holly and Casey, the bartenders were really sweet and nice. I looked over the menu and talked to some of the regulars and they suggested to try nearly everything on it. I didn’t get a chance this time, but it all looked really tasty and the prices were good.

It’s not exactly in what I consider a public transit friendly spot, but it wasn’t too horribly difficult to get to. If you want to stay til close however, you’re gonna want a car or cab fare.

For some reason it was a slow night at the bar, but that I don’t mind when it’s my first time at a place.

I know I’ve not been doing my normal format for these. If I continue to find new places to try, I’ll go back to a more uniform look.

Anyway, I’ll definitely check this place out again. I’m looking forward to it.

First Impression Review: Maloney’s

Boredom and Google searching netted me a new karaoke place to try out.

Maloney’s Tavern

It’s really fancy inside. That was my very first impression. The karaoke night, Wednesday is with DJ Bella Scratch, She’s really chill and beautiful. She has an awesome voice too. She has SOOOOOOOOO MANY SONGS!! Anyway. It was slow night. No idea if it’s normally like that. The bartender Lindsay was really sweet. The drinks were great and good prices/specials. The clientele was er, mixed. The few people I tried to chat with on the younger side were super bitchy. The older customers were nice though. (also, for some reason, I felt like I looked good. No I will not post a pic. I don’t have one.)  I would definitely like to check this place out again on other nights and I know for sure I’ll be taking a trip back for karaoke!